ANN: A platform to annotate text with Wikidata IDs

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Most scientific findings are communicated via scientific papers. In these papers knowledge is encoded in language, which makes it difficult for computers to search for facts. Additionally, millions of articles are produced every year, which makes it virtually impossible to keep track of current biomedical knowledge without the aid of computational tools.

Annotation - linking words in scientific texts with external identifiers - is a ground step to automatically process biomedical knowledge. The annotation of biomedical articles is part of the work of biocurators, professionals dedicated to parse and make knowledge available on databases. These annotations, usually based on ontologies (sets of organized concepts) already power core platforms used by the research community, such as ZFIN[1] and UniProt [2]. (Note that the meaning of “annotation” used here is different from sharing written notes about ideas on the text such as proposed by

Even though biomedical databases are extremely valuable, they are limited to specific subsets of human knowledge. It would be a colossal challenge to annotate text if we needed to look for the right ontology for each kind of concept.

Wikidata is a possible solution for this challenge. It is knowledge base that contains more than 80 million varied concepts: “p53”, “malaria”, “Douglas Adams”, “Brazil” and much more. Moreover, anyone can contribute with new concepts (and relations between them) to Wikidata, which makes it flexible enough to accommodate the vast amount of concepts used in research articles.

During the 2-day hackathon eLife Sprint 2020, we started a project for annotating concepts in scientific articles to Wikidata, envisioning integration with Europe PMC’s Annotation API. We brainstormed both technical and practical aspects of developing a tool to gather crowd-annotations of scientific concepts. Inspired by other scientific games (like Mark2Cure, eterna and, we designed a gamified interface for crowdsourcing scientific annotations. Additionally, we studied Natural Language Processing approaches for extracting scientific entities, and assembled a series of perspectives on how to implement such an annotation tool in the current research environment.

This document contains reports on the different branches of the project, coupled to thoughts of the participants on how to achieve the overarching goal of annotating all scientific text. Given the short time for the event, some parts of the report are not completely structured. Nevertheless, we believe that they can be useful for accessing the development of the project.

Community biocuration projects

We note that this is not the first shot at organizing biomedical information by harnessing the power of the crowd. Some notable examples:

“ANN” can be useful for these (and similar) projects, by providing coarse, community annotations for the dedicated, expert curator teams of bases such as UniProt and PomBase.


At the hackathon we worked on the following tasks:

Why is annotation important?

Two main contributions of annotations are to clarify the meaning of texts and enable programmatically processing.

Clarify scientific prose

The semantic enrichment layer unleashes the biomedical knowledge constrained in biomedical articles to the world of the semantic web. The connections of concepts, then, can impact a number of different aspects of research:

Programmatically process articles

The semantic enrichment layer unleashes the biomedical knowledge constrained in biomedical articles to the world of the semantic web. The connections of concepts, then, can impact a number of different aspects of research:

Related softwares for annotation

The task of connecting mentions in scientific texts to identifiers in databases has been researched in both the biomedical and the natural language processing communities. There have been many approaches to automate this task. This is different from our human-in-the-loop approach. Nevertheless different components can help us to select candidates that we present to the annotators.

Of note, there have also been previous approaches for annotating documents using Wikipedia [6]


Open Tapioca

System description

Input is a sentence. Output is the sentence, with all persons, locations and organizations linked to their respective Wikidata identifier. The system is trained solely on Wikidata. The authors use occurrence statistics of concepts in Wikidata and in text to compute the likelihood of a certain word in the text linking to a certain Wikidata item (e.g. “Barack Obama” linking to “Q76”). To take context into account independently computed local features are propagated along a Markov chain. The authors claim that this system is lightweight and easy to retrain, and therefore easily adapts to the frequent changes of Wikidata. They say that restricting their system to only people, organizations and locations enabled them to do well without using any other data but Wikidata, while other approaches do rely on additional text from Wikipedia.

How feasible is this system for our project

Using only Wikidata to train the system is a good asset, because this might keep training times low. The authors are right in claiming that their system is lightweight: It does not use word embeddings or extensive language models but derives the necessary information about word similarities from Wikidata itself. The author states that this approach worked for relatively common entities, so it is unclear whether we can adapt it to less common biological entities. Testing the system on the cited website gave reasonably good results for less common names of people and cities, but was prone to misinterpret words that were not people, organization or locations as such (e.g. in the sentence “Banks are often closed.” the words “Banks” and “closed” were linked to locations). The documentation seems generally very good.



System description

The input is a sentence. The output is a sentence with the biomedical entities in that sentence annotated with canonical names, concept IDs and TUI(s).

How feasible is this system for our project:

This looks nearly perfect for candidate generation.



Comments: - Entity identification; Sentiment analysis.

Linked WikiText-2 Project

Entity identification; Annotation with Wikidata entries; the project utilizes Stanford CoreNLP


Uses contextualized word embeddings, which might have higher accuracy than sci Spacy Does Entity Identification, Entity typing

Applicability of the scispacy tool

The input for the software backend are abstracts of scientific articles that are loaded from Europe PMC using the Europe PMC API. We then use sci Spacy to detect entities in the abstract. Sci Spacy annotates those entities with their ID in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [9].

Notably, 26 thousand items in Wikidata have an UMLS ID, which allows to link the items that were detected by sciSpacy to be connected to Wikidata. We pinpoint a couple challenges:

The pre-trained scispacy models are unable to identify the entity if it has conjunctions and prepositions in it. To improve the entity detection performance the model needs to be retrained using manually curated scientific word lists. Sci spacy does not use contextualized word embeddings, which impacts the precision of retrieved entities (the model employed in sci Spacy is derived from this reference[10]).

Other approaches use contextualized word embeddings for detecting and normalizing biomedical entities (such as They could be used in the project in addition to scispacy.

Besides UMLS IDs, sciSpacy also can match concepts a number of MeSH IDs, which can also be linked to Wikidata items.

We wrote code in a Google Colab notebook to concatenate the Europe PMC API with sciSpacy and Wikidata. After retrieving the abstract of an article via its PMID, the function extracts relevant concepts via sciSpacy and match the ones with PMIDs to Wikidata. The output of the pipeline is depicted in the Figure 1 and the code is available in the project github repository.

Figure 1: Concatenation of the Europe PMC API to Wikidata and sciSpacy

Software Frontend

A mockup of the frontend is available in Figure 2 and the rules used for the user interface design are shown in Figure 3. The main idea is to make annotations made with ANN fun for annotators. Users will be able to search for a publication by PMID or title. ANN boxes will be filled in with title and abstract. Annotations will work in a task manner where annotators will be asked to annotate a type of entity or sentence and be rewarded with ANN badge points.

When selecting a text for annotation, a window will popup and users will be able to select terms from Wikidata. The annotations will be saved in a format that is compatible with Europe PMC annotations submission system, which would add Wikidata annotations to the Europe PMC SciLite annotations features. Users would be able to login with an ORCID account and ANN would allow them to claim their annotations work to their ORCID account.

Figure 2: Mockup prototype of the frontend of ANN
Figure 3: Miro board for brainstorming of the functionalities of the user interface.

Manual annotations: case report

We manually annotated a sample of biomedical publications (some of which from eLife) to extract information from their abstracts as a prototype for the platform. These annotations were made mostly by people from a research-lab background, which were presented to Wikidata during this project. In that sense, they mimic what a researcher could annotate when using the ANN platform.

The annotations and notes are available in the attached table: Manual Annotations Spreadsheet.

The following observations were made:

Annotation of PMID 19268344 [11]

“Ankyrin G” was not found on Wikidata, but only “ankyrin”. The ankirin item on Wikidata refers to a protein family, and not to the protein itself. Later, we noticed that “Ankyrin G” was actually present on Wikidata (here or here), but at the moment the exact term “Ankyrin G” was not listed as one alias.

Given A3, There are some things that should always be annotated, such as the species. Which kind of things should be always annotated? How should they be required? Things such as the species of the organisms used in the study, and the techniques used to assess the question. Maybe if journals require a semantic abstract, a structured abstract with semantically enriched knowledge, some of this problems would be bypassed.

The concept of “hippocampal neurons” was not identified separately on Wikidata, just the concepts for “hippocampus” and “neuron”. Notably, even these two concepts are represented in an species-independent way. The ideal annotations would be precise for the taxon of interest.

AIS, the acronym for “Axon Initial Segment” did not have a string-match on Wikidata. Notably, the concept is present on Wikidata , but not the wording of the acronym, making this an instance of the problem A1 (lack of exact name).

Adding a concept to Wikidata in the perspective of a new user

The concept of “hippocampal neurons” was created on Wikidata by a new editor. However, the creation of an item in an ontology is a challenging task. The terms used are not common for the biological research workflow. These are the perceptions of one of the team members, when creating an Wikidata item for the first time:


This is the first report (as of our knowledge) of a biology researcher perspective when faced with the task of adding a new item to Wikidata.

Given the complexity of ontological modelling, the report shows that the task is feasible. Adding a concept without training in semantic technology makes Wikidata a powerful tool, as the barrier of contribution is much lower than the one for current ontologies. The entries can be, then, adjusted later by the community, if necessary.

Annotation of PMID 31254741 [12]

This article is related to drosophila research. Drosophila genes have frequently funny names, which might be mistaken for other entities. For the gene frizzled, the system worked nicely. We could find the Wikidata entry by typing “frizzled” but the official name is “fz”. The protein is also present, and the researchers would have to choose if they are talking about the gene or its product.

The Van Gogh protein, on the other hand, does not show up on Wikidata, just the dutch post-impressionist painter. For this case, the protein is not on Wikidata, but the protein-coding gene is, but it gets “buried” amidst the references to the painter.

Annotation of PMID 31909712 [13]

For this article, PCP (planar cell polarity) was not found on Wikidata, just other references for the same acronym (instance of case A4). In this case, even searching for the full concept does not lead to a hit.

Of note, many scientific articles catalogued on Wikidata mention “planar cell polarity” in their titles, which might be confusing for annotation. This is a good indication that it would be useful to create the concept on Wikidata, at the very least to link to the article items via the main subject property.

For N-cadherin, the label on wikidata was “cadherin 2”, but “N-cadherin was listed as an alias. This is not a problem, but it seems to be a possible source of confusion, so it is worth mentioning it.

Conclusion of manual annotations

The case study of manual annotations is useful to find patterns of problems in database matching. Notably, we had time only to analyse 3 of the many manual annotations made during the eLifeSprint 2020. In that way, the spreadsheet of manual annotations represent a rich resource for further exploration of the details related to annotation of biological concepts to Wikidata.

Community Engagement

How can we motivate researchers to annotate content?

Citable annotations?

We discussed further the idea of how to acknowledge the work of curators in a specific channel of the hackathon called “product clinic”, created to help projects to identify core value propositions, audience, user stories and more. Here is a partial summarized transcript of the thread we had to discuss citable annotations. Note: the conversations were adapted by T.L. for clarity and anonymity, in good faith to preserve the conversation, but respecting the privacy of people involved:

At #team-annotate we are working on possible incentives for researchers to annotate their articles. One of the options we discussed is the possibility of giving an identifier (like. a DOI) to these kind of contributions and even make them citable. Do you know if it is possible to do so for this kind of work/contribution?

I don’t believe there are any restrictions that would prevent using a DOI. According to the faq, a DOI can be assigned to “any entity — physical, digital or abstract — that you wish to identify, primarily for sharing with an interested user community or managing as intellectual property.”

A DOI in and of itself is not generally perceived as such unless linked to a higher level incentive such as, say, recognition of the content the DOI represents for the purposes of funding or career progression

After discussing it with the team members, we thought that maybe a badge/stamp system instead would be bette -it may also be more “visual” than a DOI. But it’s good to know we can consider DOIs too.

If annotations, as a web standard, already have URIs, would mean that adding a DOI is duplicative. Nevertheless, DOIs are only really valuable as scholarly currency if some funder or tenure committee recognizes the thing the DOI is attached to. Badges seem like a good way to go. This seems like a good resource: Annotation Is Now a Web Standard

For what it’s worth, eLife funded much of the work that went into becoming a publisher-friendly option for scholarly annotation (eLife enhances open annotation with Hypothesis to promote scientific discussion online). As to whether that makes Hypothesis itself an actual web standard, that’s up to the definition of what a web standard is. I think it’s fair to say that it is a solution based on principles and practices that have been approved by the W3C consortium.

Once the technical barriers to annotation on academic content were overcome however, there remain other issues that impact the usage of open annotations on academic research. They range from the lack of incentives, to reticence by researchers to publicly critique a peer’s (especially a senior peer’s) work, to fear of controversy. Public annotations pertaining to academic papers therefore remain, at least in our experience, sadly underused.

The w3c has recognized the Recommendations of the Annotation Working Group. Their architecture model leads me to believe that the goal is that annotations will be anchored to URIs.

-eLife Sprint staff A:

You can already use the share icon on any hypothesis annotation to share it via a unique URI:

First thing that came to mind regarding abstract keywords is reviewer/editor matching, Daniel Ecer is the brain behind eLife’s PeerScout project, which focuses on abstract keyword extraction to help make reviewer/editor matching easier (see this this talk) So, it is perhaps in publishers’ favour to get researchers to annotate their abstracts, but what does researchers gain from annotating correctly? Moreover, what is correctly?

Ultimately the reviewer/editor has the power to decide whether or not to review, so whatever they think is correct, is currently considered “correct”. In a future where we open up peer review to all researchers, it would be beneficial to annotate your abstracts to get the appropriate reviewers to review your paper.

Also pointing out another open-source effort to annotate figures - the SmartFigures Lab, a part of the EMBO initiative SourceData [14]

What are the views from the research community?

We created a survey to get the views from the research community towards the possible implementation of an annotation system. All statements refer to the respondents of the survey:

Figure 4: Pie chart extracted from the survey related to the question Do you think that annotation of scientific articles can make knowledge access and connection between articles easier? n=29 answers
Figure 5: Pie chart extracted from the survey related to the question Which of the following do you think could be most beneficial from the annotations? n=30 answers
Figure 6: Pie chart extracted from the survey related to the question Which kind of incentive would make you annotate your article? n=29 answers

Preparing a logo and a name

During the 2020 eLife Sprint, several names for the project were brainstormed and “ANN” (short for annotate) was chosen after a pool made public to all participants of the event.

Some logo options were prepared by two contributors and chosen after a team decision. All logos tried to bring a text highlight to convey the idea of hyperlink/annotation (Figure 7). The chosen logo (Figure 8) was then adapted in terms of size and colors, adopting a faded red, blue, and green color scheme - colors often used in the logos of both Wikidata and eLife. The other logo options were not completely discarded, and may contribute to the project visual identity in the future.

Figure 7: The initial drafts for the logo

Final Remarks

This report is a documentation of our collective efforts to prepare the ANN project at eLifeSprint 2020. We hope that the efforts we collectively made during the sprint will allow the project to start its journey until becoming a reality.

The project is going to be continuously improved at, where future tasks have been organized as issues. Everyone is welcome to join us and help empowering open biomedical knowledge with collaborative semantic enrichment.


This world would not have been possible without the effort of the eLife Innovation team and the organizers of the eLife Innovation Sprint 2020, specially Emmy Tsang. All the participants of the eLife Sprint contributed to this as a community. We would like to thank Giulliano Maciocci, Micah Vandegrift and Dasapta Irawan for the discussion and insights. We would also like to thank João Vitor Cavalcante, which contributed with code to the repository, solving issues raised at the Sprint.

Individual contributions



1. The Zebrafish Information Network: new support for non-coding genes, richer Gene Ontology annotations and the Alliance of Genome Resources
Leyla Ruzicka, Douglas G Howe, Sridhar Ramachandran, Sabrina Toro, Ceri E Van Slyke, Yvonne M Bradford, Anne Eagle, David Fashena, Ken Frazer, Patrick Kalita, … Monte Westerfield
Nucleic Acids Research (2019-01-08)
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky1090 · PMID: 30407545 · PMCID: PMC6323962

2. UniProt: a worldwide hub of protein knowledge
The UniProt Consortium
Nucleic Acids Research (2019-01-08)
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky1049 · PMID: 30395287 · PMCID: PMC6323992

3. Community curation in PomBase: enabling fission yeast experts to provide detailed, standardized, sharable annotation from research publications
Antonia Lock, Midori A Harris, Kim Rutherford, Jacqueline Hayles, Valerie Wood
Database (2020)
DOI: 10.1093/database/baaa028 · PMID: 32353878 · PMCID: PMC7192550

4. Applying Citizen Science to Gene, Drug, and Disease Relationship Extraction from Biomedical Abstracts
Ginger Tsueng, Max Nanis, Jennifer T Fouquier, Michael Mayers, Benjamin M Good, Andrew I Su
Bioinformatics (2019-09-03)
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz678 · PMID: 31504205

5. Citizen Science for Mining the Biomedical Literature
Ginger Tsueng, Steven M. Nanis, Jennifer Fouquier, Benjamin M. Good, Andrew I. Su
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice (2016-12-31)
DOI: 10.5334/cstp.56 · PMID: 30416754 · PMCID: PMC6226017

6. Annotating Documents by Wikipedia Concepts
Peter Schönhofen
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2008-12)
DOI: 10.1109/wiiat.2008.56

7. OpenTapioca: Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata
Antonin Delpeuch
arXiv:1904.09131 [cs] (2019-04-19)

8. ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Mark Neumann, Daniel King, Iz Beltagy, Waleed Ammar
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (2019)
DOI: 10.18653/v1/w19-5034

9. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): integrating biomedical terminology
O. Bodenreider
Nucleic Acids Research (2004-01-01)
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkh061 · PMID: 14681409 · PMCID: PMC308795

10. Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition
Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Sandeep Subramanian, Kazuya Kawakami, Chris Dyer
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (2016)
DOI: 10.18653/v1/n16-1030

11. A selective filter for cytoplasmic transport at the axon initial segment.
Ai-Hong Song, Dong Wang, Gang Chen, Yuju Li, Jianhong Luo, Shumin Duan, Mu-Ming Poo
Cell (2009-03-05)
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2009.01.016 · PMID: 19268344

12. Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for Bidirectional Signaling via Core Planar Polarity Protein Complexes in Drosophila.
Katherine H Fisher, David Strutt, Alexander G Fletcher
iScience (2019-06-18)
DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2019.06.021 · PMID: 31254741 · PMCID: PMC6610702

13. Vangl2 acts at the interface between actin and N-cadherin to modulate mammalian neuronal outgrowth.
Steve Dos-Santos Carvalho, Maite M Moreau, Yeri Esther Hien, Mikael Garcia, Nathalie Aubailly, Deborah J Henderson, Vincent Studer, Nathalie Sans, Olivier Thoumine, Mireille Montcouquiol
eLife (2020-01-07)
DOI: 10.7554/elife.51822 · PMID: 31909712 · PMCID: PMC6946565

14. SourceData: a semantic platform for curating and searching figures
Robin Liechti, Nancy George, Lou Götz, Sara El-Gebali, Anastasia Chasapi, Isaac Crespo, Ioannis Xenarios, Thomas Lemberger
Nature Methods (2017-11-01)
DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.4471 · PMID: 29088127